Offer currently unavailable

Avg. Saving £24.00
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Offer currently unavailable

Number claimed: 93

* Average saving based on two adults and two children

  • Manchester
  • Opening Times: Please check website for opening times

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Who wouldn’t want to live in a treehouse? Especially a 13-storey treehouse that has everything including a bowling alley, a secret underground laboratory, self-making beds and a marshmallow machine! Andy and Terry live there, make stories together and have a series of completely nutty adventures.

About this offer
  • Manchester
  • Opening Times: Please check website for opening times

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25% off selected performances of The 13 Storey Treehouse Live at Manchester Opera House on Thu 15 & Fri 16 Aug at 1pm & 5pm (Price bands A & B).

Up to 8 tickets can be purchased with the Kids Pass 25% off promotion. The offer applies to price bands A & B for the performances on Thu 15 & Fri 16 Aug 2024 at 1pm & 5pm only (all other performances are excluded). Cannot be used in conjunction with another offer/promotion/concession or retrospectively with tickets already purchased. Subject to availability.

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