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Avg. Saving £24.00
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Offer currently unavailable

Number claimed: 86

* Average saving based on two adults and two children

  • Sunderland
  • Opening Times: Please check website for opening times

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Who wouldn’t want to live in a treehouse? Especially a 13-storey treehouse that has everything including a bowling alley, a secret underground laboratory, self-making beds and a marshmallow machine! Andy and Terry live there, make stories together and have a series of completely nutty adventures.

About this offer
  • Sunderland
  • Opening Times: Please check website for opening times

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25% off selected performances of The 13 Storey Treehouse Live at the Sunderland Empire on Thu 22 Aug at 4.30pm & Fri 23 Aug at 1pm (Price bands A & B).

Up to 8 tickets can be purchased with the Kids Pass 25% off promotion. The offer applies to price bands A & B for the performances on Thu 22 Aug 2024 at 4.30pm and Fri 23 Aug 2024 at 1pm only (all other performances are excluded). Cannot be used in conjunction with another offer/promotion/concession or retrospectively with tickets already purchased. Subject to availability.

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